My usual disclaimer about how awful I have become at taking pictures and documenting things. So here are the few pictures we managed on Christmas Day.
We had a really lovely Christmas. Christmas Eve we always spend at my inlaws because it is my FIL's birthday. They have the entire family over and do their version of the 7 fishes. It is great for all of the cousins to get together (there are 6 grandchildren ranging in age from 5yrs to 5months!). They are all sweet and good playmates.
When we got home my dad and stepmom were pulling up at the same time. They came to spend Christmas with us.
Since we were all getting over colds Claudio and I just went to Mass at the Church across the street and left the children home with the grandparents.

Grandma Judi and Grandpa Bob have a lovely tradition of getting each of the grandkids a new Lenox ornament each Christmas. There are different series: snowman series, santa claus series, disney series, and the moose series. We of course chose the moose for Ben. Here we are hanging it on the tree Christmas morning. He is really cute, with little Christmas lights hanging from his ears.

Here is Anna in her snuggly Christmas jammies. She didn't get too excited about any of her gifts, but she got lots of lovely stuff.

This was definitely the Christmas of Thomas for Benjamin and he received lots of new engines and accesesories. Here is Grandpa Bob helping him to open one of the packages.