Thanks to some advice from friends in a homeschool group I am in I was finally inspired to really get my schoolroom organized.
I had gotten it functional before last year's school year started, but before Christmas I just got too pregnant to deal with sitting in there for school and we started doing school on the couch and the schoolroom became a dumping ground disaster!!!
I had been putting off dealing with it because I couldn't even figure out where to start or what to do to make it work better.
With just a few dollar store purchases things quickly came together and we are now up and running!!
Still need some more shelf space in that closet, but for now things all have a place.
From the top down: paints and other craft supplies that require supervision are at the top, next down is paper and school supplies, next down are saint story picture books/children's bibles/church related book and some read aloud books, next shelf is baskets with beginner readers for Anna, early chapter books for Ben, and Lovasik books, bottom is non-fiction/age appropriate books and coloring books in the blue basket. |
Our school table (which is already too small...and Buggy me asked me to point out that that is her milk on the table there), our "daily planner". The white table has their personal school baskets to hold the stuff they are working on. The shelves above take up that whole wall. The top shelf has textbooks, workbooks, reading books, etc etc that we are not currently using. The other end has Christmas and Easter books, and some craft boxes that require supervision. |
The bottom shelf has reference/anthology books, a basket of Magic School Bus books, a blue basket for books we will need during the school year but not daily, my teacher manuals and a basket of Treasure Box Books...then printer and computer tower above my desk. |
and there is the whole room. |
I am always interested in seeing a home school room! Thanks for sharing.
Nice job!!
So I think I can conclude that my homeschool organization problem is that I simply don't have enough space allocated. Not sure where to take some from, but it needs to happen. You are very fortunate to have a dedicated room! Thanks for sharing this.
Jen, keep in mind that when I started Kindergarten with Ben we were living in an 1100sqft house. My entire dedicated space for homeschooling was two bookshelves in the dining room. We did school at the dining room table...the same space that all of our meals were eaten and a play space. You don't need a lot. Most of the books I have in our current school room were given to me this year by a friend who is mostly finished homeschooling and she kindly passed many treasures to me.
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