Tuesday, October 30, 2012

New Poems and Progress

Ben has his second poem memorized for MODG Kindergarten program. I love learning these poems with him and they are really so lovely and sweet. And he is getting much more willing to recite for me. He will not recite the poems for anyone else. He tells Grandma that they are secret LOL...so that is why I record them.

He continues to do really well with school.  He is constantly scribbling and doodling notes and pictures on any paper he can find.  I found the below little note by my computer the other day on a piece of scrap paper.  I thought it was hilarious that he has picked up on all the politics chit chat around lately!!

I also find it interesting that when just writing on his own he sees no reason why letters in a word need to be consecutive!  Like how Romney is written over two lines.  This one is still pretty obvious what he is saying but often the letters will be scattered all over and I will have to untangle them to figure out what he wrote.
he often asks me to take a picture of him in action!
 He is about 3/4th through the first Little Angel Reader and workbook and has improved so much with reading comprehension and sequence....an area he struggled a little bit in when we started.

 Math is going great.  He is working on addition and telling time in his math book.

We definitely made the right decision to drop the religion recommendations from MODG.  We are reading the Catholic Treasure Box Books and Leading The Little Ones To Mary and he (and Anna!) seem to have a sudden awareness and new understanding for the supernatural AND their behavior.  Anna particularly loves the stories in the Treasure Box books about Little Therese.  And I was really happy to see that this Sunday when Fr. Woodrow mentioned Therese in his homily that Anna was listening and commented to Claudio about the little rose necklace I let her wear as a reminder of Little Therese.

watching Hurricane Sandy


Katherine said...

Ben is doing incredibly well! I think "Bed in Summer" was the last poem I tried to get my kids to memorize and that is when we gave up and scrapped it.

We, too, love the Maryknoll books.

Jen said...

Sounds great! I will have to chat with you about MODG after this year is through. If Anna likes those books, I bet Ian would too, I will check them out.