These are my new nieces! My brother in law and his wife (and two darling sons) just got these goats to eat the brush on their property. They live on ten acres in Chester County PA. They are fainting goats, but my BIL told me they haven't fainted! I find that highly disappointing. We will be there Saturday for my nephews 1st birthday. I will do my best to make those goats fall over LOL. I am also hoping seeing the goats will make Claudio want to move out of NJ even more and into the wild blue yonder of PA.
Find us a house first and then we'll talk. ;)
Get the house on the market so we can find a house! :P
Admit it the goats are making you yearn aren't they!! hee hee
Logistics, my dear, logistics! We're not going to put ourselves through the hassle of selling/buying if it works out that we can't make it happen again.
The goats are cute! Do they require a lot of work...knowledge?
Good luck with the househunting. We're in the same boat, and the RE market is very odd right now. Trying to sell the home first might allow you to only accept what you want (financially) rather than be rushed into it because you have a house you must move to....
Good luck with everything!
I am not really sure how much work they take. I hear goats are pretty easy to keep. They are generally very friendly, they will eat anything though so can be tricky to keep contained. I think they need special fencing.
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