Monday, January 17, 2011


Outside my window... It is pretty cold and gray out. Just typical winter weather I guess. We still have a good amount of snow on the ground. It is nice since we had several winters where the weather never really got wintery. The last two winters have been nice real winters.

I am thinking...about another cup of coffee, a shower, Ben and whether his underwear is dry, about my mom who is in the hospital with pneumonia, St. Valentine and what a Catholic celebration of Valentines Day would look like, about my to do list, that I need a haircut, that maybe is nearly THREE, that I have at least 4 loads of laundry to get to today.

I am thankful for...a wonderful, though belated, Christmas celebration with my dad, stepmom and brother.

From the learning rooms... There are no learning tables currently LOL..I have come to the sad realization that my plans to start Little Saints in February are best put off for September when hopefully things will be more settled. We have doc appts all the time and I am not sure when Anna will be starting her therapy (which will be every day, all day, for 4 weeks straight) which will be a major schedule upheaver. So we are working on puzzles, trying out some scissors, reading books, trying new things, learning to help out, learning manners etc.

From the kitchen...Leftovers from this weekend for dinner.

I am wearing... green velour pants and a college sweatshirt. I have yet to showered or dressed.

I am going... to call Anna's GI to tell him she is waking at the end of every feeding gagging and sometimes puking. This has been going on for at least a week.

I am reading... One of Suse Lloyd's books. I think it is "Please Don't Drink the Holy Water". Nice light pre bed reading. Also reading St. Francis de Sales..but can't remember the title.

I am hoping... to get the house in order!

I am hearing...The Peasall Sisters

Around the house...Taking down the last of the Christmas stuff. Took down the big nativity scene and the stockings. Lots of new toys around the house since the kids got their Christmas stuff from Grandma and Grandpa yesterday and they also brought some handmedown toys for the kids too.

One of my favorite things... my stuffed mushroom and my Claudio

A few plans for the rest of the week: I know we have an appt with the Nutritionist for Anna at some point this week. Not sure what day. And then just the typical stuff around here. Nice and boring, how we like it!

Here is a picture thought I am sharing: She may not like to eat, but she loves feeding people!

check here for more daybooks

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HOW IS the mushroom? I was hoping maybe you would post a picture of the 'shroom on the blog, but I'm not sure you wnat to exploit mushroom like that....