Sunday, January 30, 2011

Odds and Ends

This is totally an odds and ends post. I had a bunch of random pictures with just a little note I wanted to say about them. So here they all are in no particular order:

This sweater was mine when I was Anna's age! I always loved the floral buttons!
Ben did this cute craft the other day. He did the glue stick and stuck on all of the cottonballs by himself and then used some chalk to draw the snow on the ground (I used a white crayon to make some snowflakes for him).

I am not even sure how this came about LOL....but that is one of my socks and one of Daddy's socks. Thought it looked adorable.

Benjamin went to his very first non-family birthday party on Saturday. It was for our neighbor who is almost exactly two years older than Ben. The party's theme was "How To Tame a Dragon". We had never heard of this movie, but of course since receiving the invitation I have been seeing it everywhere. So, Ben came home with an inflatable sword (which sadly got a leak almost immediately and so was tossed) and this goblet. He has been insisting on drinking from it. Totally cute as far as I am concerned :)

The kids were watching Pinocchio last night (that is what you hear in the background). I started the video because Anna was sitting there rubbing Ben's back, but as soon as I turned the camera on this is what erupted LOL

1 comment:

Meghan said...

That video clip is hysterical! Love the socks too- very original!