Monday, October 22, 2012

9 Months for Buggy

Yes yes yes everyone's favorite little Buggy recently turned 9M.  It is going too fast!!  Even faster than usual!!

These pics of her on her dad's back are the very few instances of her NOT in motion!!  She is by far my busiest baby.  Practically impossible to dress or change her diaper.  You can't turn your back on her for a minute.  Just a few days ago she started using a little walker to to take her first tentative steps and she is QUITE pleased with herself.

She is adored by Ben and Anna.  She is a super snuggly little baby.  She had her well check and has been gaining really well.  She gained a pound since her 6M check and was 15lbs and 27inches long.  So she moved up a percentile which is great.  She loves to eat....whether being fed or feeding herself.  Developmentally she is leading the pack  ;)

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