Thursday, April 07, 2011

Spring Comes In Like A Lion

To celebrate the cold, blustery start to Spring Ben and I did this cute lion craft using a paper plate, some construction paper, pipe cleaners, paint, glue, scissors.

I compiled what we would need and cut up two pipe cleaners into 6 pieces to make whiskers and cut black construction paper for nose and eyes and yellow construction paper for the face.

This was the first time for Ben to use paint. He was very excited and dug in with gusto!! He painted his whole plate orange with just a little bit of help from me. AND he didn't make a mess!

We let our paint dry before gluing things on.

Benjamin drew the mouth on himself and I was impressed that he got the basic shape and idea!! Not sure why he wanted two whiskers on one side and four on the other, but I think it gives his lion character! We have them hanging up on our mantel....waiting for the lambs to be made sometime soon!

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